Sunday 16 October 2011

10 Weeks Post-op

I am finally starting to feel on top of things. I started doing sit-ups a few days ago (just 5 a day!) and I went for my first (very brief) run today. I still have some pain when I use my abdominal muscles which is why I am taking it so easy.

The past 5 weeks have been rather hard for me, which is why I haven't updated. I have had the dressing of my wound to deal with and the frustration of a slow recovery.

I am hoping that now I have started to exercise again that I will notice a huge improvement in the way I feel, the reduction of pain and the way I look (not that I am complaining about that).

I have another appointment with my specialist in December and I am hoping to be in great shape for some 'after' pics.

I love to read your comments and happy to answer any questions about my experience.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Back to Work at 4 weeks postop abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)

What a week!

I started back at work last week. Even though I only worked 4 short days it was extremely hard. I found myself walking around the office like a hunched over old lady by 10am.

My job has a physical side to it involving packing my equipment into the car and setting up my office at a different site each day. On my last day of work before my surgery I took my equipment out of the large suitcase that I usually use and packed it into several small bags. My theory was that it would be easier to make several trips, carrying small bags, rather than one large bag. While it was a good idea it was still near impossible. The bags were still too heavy for me to carry on my own and it was all so tiring that by the end of the day I could barely manage one trip let alone three.

When I got home from work I needed to lay flat on my back and rest. By the end of the week my muscles were sore, just like having done a huge ab workout at the gym.

If I had known what it would be like I definetly would have waited an extra week to go back to work or eased into it. It might have been different had I had a 'desk job' or if I didn't have children to look after before and after work. I also wonder if the muscle pain would have happened regardless of when I went back to work. After all it is only natural to get pain when using a new muscle or one that has been inactive for a long time.

Anyhow after a big rest on the weekend I have gotten through another week of work without too many problems- well almost. I am walking straighter and multiple trips aren't bothering me but unfortunately I have developed an infection in my wound.

The next bit is graphic so time to log out if you get queazy...

It all started when the compression garment that I need to wear got caught on the nearly healed wound. One of the scabs pulled right out of the wound. Being the laid back person that I am I assumed that it would heal on its own with no problems. However, it didn't heal and two weeks on it still hadn't healed but it had become infected. Ouch! I have to say that it has been the most painful part since I got home. Imagine being so sore that a slight brush on your clothing causes you to scream in pain, or that you can't even move your leg to walk because of the pain on your hip area. Luckily some strong antibiotics seems to have helped and I should be pain free in a day or two. I am seeing a nurse to treat the wound and hopefully it will be all healed in a week.

I feel like I won't be recovered and back to my full strength for atleast another 3 months (just in time for Summer- woohoo). Once again I am so glad that I have had this procedure now. It has and still will take a huge chunk out of my life in terms of feeling active, fit and energetic- qualities that I usually thrive on. Atleast I can hope for many years ahead of enjoying these qualities once again.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Tummy Tuck- 3 weeks post-op. Look at me now photo!

I had my 3 week post-op appointment yesterday with the plastic surgeon. He was really happy with how I am healing and progressing.

I finally got to see my new belly button- a big improvement on the old one. Apart from some redness around it (which will fade), it looks very natural.

I think the initial shock of the scar was the size and the redness. But now that the 'scab' is dissapearing I can see that it should heal nicely. I have been massaging my scar two to three times a day with bio-oil, "nice, firm massaging with the fingertips", the nurse had told me.

The doctor told me that I can start some light exercise now, if I wish. But walking the kids to and from school and helping them around the house is more than enough exercise for me at the moment!

So here are the photos that I promised. Plastic surgeons tend to say that the best results are seen about 6 months after surgery. That is how long it can take for all of the swelling to go down. I am really happy with the 3 week results. By 6 months I might be a contender for Australia's Next Top Model- LOL!

Before- In case you have forgotten

The 'scar' at 3 weeks- lots of healing to go

The new tummy- bikini ready after just 3 weeks!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Abdominoplasty- Stitches Out

It has been just over two weeks. I had an appointment with the nurse yesterday and had my stitches out.

First of all because I felt ok I went for a walk through the shops after my appointment. Bad idea. Yes I could walk and it didn't hurt but - WOW - hard work! I don't know if it was the walking, the crowd, the bright lights or the noise but I came home with a terrible headache and nausea. I was on the lounge all night last night and I still don't feel well today.

Now to the stitches. Getting the stitches out of my belly button was fine as was having the steri-strips removed from my scar. I am not the type of person who cringes at the site of blood or gets faint at the thought of surgery; having a big scar on my tummy doesn't even really bother me. However now that I can see the cut and imagine the scar that will remain it is quite confronting.

I even took a photo of it but can't quite bare to post it on the blog yet. If you are considering having a procedure like this and are faint hearted then the scar is something to seriously consider. As I have said before, I NEEDED to get rid of the excess skin to feel happy in my own body. The gains for me are massive while the scar doesn't really worry me, but seeing it, I can understand why it would worry others. I will post a photo, just not today.

Monday 22 August 2011

2 weeks post-op abdominoplasty

I slept in my own bed and I slept all night.

My tummy muscles don't hurt today.

I need to resist the urge to sweep the floor- I can probably do it, I want to do it but I shouldn't do it.

I am feeling a bit depressed. I know that this is a situation that i created but being unable to do things around the house is getting to me.

I know that the this is stating the obvious but somehow the thought of having nearly 4 weeks off work seemed like a great chance to get all those bits and peices done around the house (in between watching T.V and having naps). Reality check- I am just on half way and still can't get things out of the frezeer. I don't think the tops of the kids cupboards are going to get sorted out.

It feels like I will be like this forever. Can't wait to get back to the gym.

Saturday 20 August 2011

11 days Post-op Abdominoplasty

Well it has been a long week (and a half).

I am feeling really well. I am starting to be able to do things on my own. I can finally make it up and down the stairs of our house- but i try to limit this to once a day. I can shower myself and dress myself. I can make myself a cup of tea and my cereal (as long as everything is on the bench or on a high shelf in the fridge).

I can also walk a reasonable distance but am hunched over and need to sit down or lean on something for a rest.

What can't I do yet? I can't make anything more that the above to eat for myself because standing up that long in the kitchen hurts my back. I can't reach things in the kitchen that are on shelves or in the freezer. I can't lift anything heavy, for example a 2L bottle of milk or juice- I feel the strain straight away in my abs. I can't tuck myself in at night or pull the heavy blankets onto myself during the night if they fall off.

Apparantly I can't throw a cushion! I tried to throw the light cushion I was holding at my daughter who was annoying me (understatement of the year). I felt a slight strain in my abs which has taken 3 days to stop hurting. Laughing, coughing and sneezing also causes pain that can take a day or two to get better.

On the positive side I have had lots of time to think, relax, read, work on my laptop, watch movies and help my kids with their homework.

Most nights I have slept on the lounge downstairs. I have slept in my bed twice but with a combination of a hard mattress (just the way i usually like it) and not being able to roll freely, I am waking up with pressure pain on each side. Not to mention a husband that pulls the blankets and snores!Downstairs on the lounge I sleep soundly with my daughter's pet, a white rabbit called Sparkles, a great room mate.

Some of the more specific things I have noticed about the recovery are
- a contracting and tightening feeling of my abs,
- an itchy scar,
- frustration at wearing the elastic compression bandage,
- yellow and black bruises on my abdomen and
- swelling from the top to bottom of my abdomen.

The difference in my appearance is already amazing. As well as having more normal, tight skin on my tummy I also now have more of a waist (because my abdominal muscles have been moved in- so I am not as 'wide'). No signs of the 6 pack yet, but we will put that down to the swelling.

One thing the doctor mentioned that I didn't really pay much attention to was that I would also notice a tightening of the skin from my upper legs. This is because of the 'pulling' of the skin that was done. Well I have actually noticed this improvement which is nice. I feel like I have lost 2-3 kg off my legs, simply because the skin is tighter.

So here we go, the start of a new week. No mum here to help me this time.My plans are to get the kids off to school and pick them up- but little else. Let's hope my kids are well behaved and independant or it will be a very long week!

Saturday 13 August 2011

Day 3 post op

Today I got to come home - yay.

My first few hours of being home were incident free. My kids were really happy to see me and they were strategically positioned around me so that we could watch a DVD together.

It doesn't take kids long to forget that they have to be careful though. And so I have been moved to the recliner where I can't be accessed quite as easily. So now sit here on my recliner in a 90 degree position, with my laptop on my lap.

I have been given strict instructions by the doctor that for the first week I am meant to move from the lounge only to go to the bathroom or eat. I am managing to get up ok, with some pain as I reposition myself. The hardest thing is that I am not allowed to use my abdominal muscles for anything. Try getting out of a chair without using your tummy muscles- it's really hard. For this reason I am so glad that I am fit and have strong legs and back muscles. Without these I think recovery would be alot harder.

It is nice to be home. It is weird to be unable to do anything. Oh it doesn't happen very often so I think I might just enjoy it!